Saturday, January 31, 2009

Pete Doherty smoking cigarette

don't ask me why i'm using him as subject..
i just feel happy to draw him...

The brand for the cigarette is Player's Old Navy.

The Blinding Cover

i drew
the blinding EP album cover..

My Hairless Mate (bullet_jb)

one thing that make me remember him... hair fall... haha
below is the real image

My Gigantic Mate (bounzer_07)

he is big.. but small (brain)
haha.. drawing of another mate..
below is the real image

My Crocodile Mate (henry14_arsfan)

this is my crocodile friend..
i called him KROKO... go to hell KROKO... hahaha..

My School Mate (isya_as)

haha... no very good drawing...